There are truly many initiatives out there that tries to get NGOs to work more closely together. And there is a new one coming out soon. The reflection here is weather CISV should get involved in this one or not. CISV today lacks an international cooperational platform for its broad base of young leaders.

The Non-Violence Project, a successful youth project, takes the next step to engage young people in positive action. The Non-Violence Project will together with its partners, The Raoul Wallenberg Academy for Young Leaders and The Nobel Peace Laureates Foundation launch the Get the Point Initiative – a unique Internet Community and youth leadership Forum.
The main objective of GPI is to establish the GPI Internet Community, a vibrant social networking community on the web for the next generation. Ideas and experiences will be exchanged and preconceived thoughts will be challenged across all borders of the global community.
Have a look at:
To me it seems like this platform would be interesting to us. For a few reasons: 1) we share the values, 2) it is both internet based and in reality all over the world, 3) it targets a group that we have many fantastic members in, 4) we lack a platform like this for our young leaders, 5) the NGOs behind it are very impressive and solid, 6) it would be very good for our brand, and 7) we could join in from the start.
I looked at the website of Get-The-Point and it seems to be a very interesting initiative. It is, however, not yet fully clear to me what the outcomes will be besides the annual forum (which would be very interesting to send participants to) and the award. Internet-communities and dialogues on web-based plattforms still seems very monologal to me, not dialogal. I must admit I was a bit shocked when I read the 'how to become a partner', where they ask for $100.000 to become a founding member. This goes down to $5.000 to become a normal member (which doesn't give you a place at the youth-forum... only information). So should maybe keep an eye on this, publicise it among the JB, but I don't see CISV investing too much of it's very little budget for a membership-fee.
Head of NGO-Relations
Hey, and thanks Basti for giving your perspective. To my understanding CISV would not haft to pay anything in cash to join the community. Those prices are for the private sector.
I still don´t know if the competition between NGOs and LMOs are the best to get better in your goals and work. I feel that competition is justifying a lack of knowledge between working groups looking for small amounts of money to reach at the end the same goals.
I have been feeling within people in CISV, the strong necesity to create a dialogue in CISV related with peace education, human rights and non conflict resolution and other issues. Specially about our political actions throught our programs around the world.
I believe we need to learn how to create and use a communicational platform like Adam refers. A platform who can help us to take actions, contexts and strategic positions in the subjects I refer above. This platform already exist for many of us who work in different organizations that suits our ideas.
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