Monday, March 19, 2007

Reflection #1: 10 900 Euro

CISV Sweden just held its 2007 Annual General Meeting. A great meeting, confiming the focused delvelopment of the last years and at the same time a visionary meeting, among many things adoption our national strategic goals.

But we aslo approved the budget. Doing one great thing for the first time – handing out up to 13 100 Euros from the NA finances to the chapters. Doing another thing, that we do almost every year, approvning the huge cost for CISV Swedens attendance at AIM, this year that cost is 10 900 Euro for the NA. 10 900 Euro is way to much. 10 900 Euro is almost as much as CISV Sweden spends on national programme training each year, it is more than it costs to fully cover hosting an extra Village and it is four times the cost CISV Sweden spends on it's two buddy PA:s.

And CISV Sweden is not sending a big delegation to AIM 2007, we send the minimum delegation according to our statues – President, Trustee and two NJR:s (fully) plus two observers that the NA covers ("only") the participation for.

For sure, in accordance with CISV Internationals strategic goals, the AIM structures needs to be looked over and revised with the aim of reducing the overall costs, both for CISV International, NA:s and maybe mostly PA:s.

How should we change the AIM structures to make it more time and cost effective?


Nick said...

Maybe Sweden shouldn't have sent anybody to this particular AIM. Save money this year and send twice as many people to next year's AIM for half the price instead.

Seriously: I don't want to be the bad guy here, but maybe NAs should simply start to boycott AIMs held in locations that are overly expensive in travel cost and accomodation.

Or let's be even more radical: Why doesn't Sweden just send a delegation to an AIM every second year? Send the trustee only oversees and a whole delegation to the European AIMs.

Adam Axelsson said...

I think that boycott sometimes can be an effective method. However not in this case. CISV Sweden has a bigger responcibility than allows that kind of acting. (And our JB Sweden would rightly kill us).

Let me also clearify that I'm not speaking about AIM '07 specificly, it was used as an example, i.e. was last year was also expensive.

Surely CISV Sweden is not worst off in this case. Even if we send 4 persons, our budget is probobly at least 4 times bigger than many NA/PAs.

Democrazy is so much more than the right to vote.